Design marking is a method used by proprietors to indicate that their article is protected by design rights. It involves “marking” an article to inform the public that the article in question is the subject of a registered design. In this regard, Indian courts have also occasionally examined whether design marking is essential or not, […]
In today’s globalized economy, trademarks are essential for distinguishing products and services, while also serving as valuable assets for businesses. Among the different categories of trademarks, well-known trademarks hold a unique position. These marks are widely recognized and have gained significant reputation, often crossing national borders. Indian trademark law offers exceptional protection to well-known trademarks, […]
Introduction A patent is a form of intellectual property which grants the patentee exclusive rights, issued by the government, for a specific duration (typically, 20 years), in return for a complete disclosure of the invention. This exclusivity prohibits others from manufacturing, using, selling, or importing the patented product or using the patented process, without the […]
Introduction Blockchain technology, a decentralized and secure ledger, has revolutionized industries like finance, supply chain, and digital assets. Its innovative applications raise important questions about its patentability within India’s legal framework for computer-related inventions (CRIs). This article explores the legal provisions, key judicial precedents, and the evolving stance of the Indian Patent Office on blockchain […]
Introduction The remark from Isaac Asimov, “Today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact,” resonates with our modern sensibilities. Science fiction serves as a playground for theoretical and practical exploration, allowing scientific concepts to be creatively presented. Our world often seems to fulfill the visions of past science fiction: we converse with AI, see digital billboards […]
Introduction A Foreign Filing License (FFL) is a statutory requirement under the Indian Patent Act, 1970, aimed at protecting national interests by preventing unauthorized disclosures of inventions abroad. This regulation ensures that inventions with potential strategic, security, or public interest implications are thoroughly evaluated before international exposure. This article explores the concept, legal framework, practical […]
Introduction Passing off refers to the act of misrepresenting one’s goods or services as those of another, typically through the use of a similar trade name, logo, packaging, or design. This practice can cause confusion among consumers and result in unfair competition. This article explores the concept of passing off in designs, its legal implications, […]
Creativity and innovation have been cherished throughout history. In ancient Greece, inventors were rewarded for their contributions, and the first recorded patent was granted in 1421 in Florence to Filippo Brunelleschi for method of transporting heavy loads up the river. He enjoyed exclusive rights for three years, preventing others from using similar methods during that […]