
A Legacy of Excellence and Growth:


Ms. Kanchan Vadehra, Col. K. L. Vadehra, Mr. Sharad Vadehra

1989 – Vadehra and Associates Emerges 2 (1)

1989 – Vadehra and Associates Emerges:

The journey of our firm began in 1989 when Col. K.L. Vadehra, an esteemed Engineer with a background in the Indian Army, established Vadehra and Associates. With a single client, the firm embarked on its mission to provide exceptional patent services.

Expanding Horizons 2 (1)

Expanding Horizons:

In the years that followed, the firm welcomed new talent and expertise. Sharad Vadehra, having gained invaluable experience the largest IP Firm in India, joined the team. Kanchan Vadehra and Meera Vadehra also became partners, strengthening the firm’s capabilities and client base.

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KAN AND KRISHME: A Name that Represents Partnership:

As the firm evolved, a significant milestone was reached—the birth of the name Kan and Krishme. Derived from the names of its four partners—Kanchan Vadehra, Col. Krishan Lal Vadehra, Sharad Vadehra, and Meera Vadehra—the name became a registered service mark in India, symbolizing collaboration, expertise, and commitment.

Growth and Expansion 2 (1)

Growth and Expansion:

From its humble beginnings, Kan and Krishme steadily grew in reputation and clientele. The firm’s dedication to providing exceptional service and extensive travel engagements led to an expanding roster of international and domestic clients. To accommodate this growth, the firm moved to larger premises and established satellite offices in Chennai, Mumbai, and Kolkata.

Towards New Horizons 2 (1)

Towards New Horizons:

The years between 2013 and 2021 marked an exciting chapter for Kan and Krishme. While maintaining strong relationships with existing clients, the firm continued to attract new clients, solidifying its position as a trusted intellectual property partner. The firm’s remarkable growth resulted in the acquisition of its own multi-story building and the establishment of representative offices across the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, this period saw the introduction of the first of many equity partners, ensuring a sustainable path for future success.

A Thriving Present 2 (1)

A Thriving Present:

Today, Kan and Krishme stands tall as a prominent intellectual property firm, boasting nearly 100 dedicated professionals and 10 equity partners. Our client portfolio includes renowned Fortune 500 companies, a testament to the trust and confidence they place in our services. With a strong focus on growth, innovation, and delivering exceptional results, Kan and Krishme continues to be a leading force in the field of intellectual property law.

As we reflect on our rich history, we remain committed to upholding the values and principles that have defined us since our inception. Kan and Krishme looks forward to the future, ready to embrace new opportunities, and serve our clients with unwavering dedication.

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